I understand I am late to the party with this blog, but not really, because I found I had not much to report as new an exciting. You see I already exist in the online world and have been trying to tailor and craft my online persona as a tool for selling my book!
My brand is important to portray the message that I have to share around 'emotional and social literacy for learning' this is where my research is headed and an area that I have been fascinated in for some time. So here is a snapshot of who I am:
http://www.nicoleprice.co.nz/ my Website
http://nz.linkedin.com/pub/nicole-price/31/556/159 : Linkedin profile
One of the things I have tried to do is to link all publications and articles about my work to my website, so that people can see the depth and reach of the work I have done to date. This has been useful as it has created opportunities where people have come to me for information or to give voice as an expert... lol who would have thought.
Monday, 27 October 2014
GoogleFEST! @ Ulearn + Thing 10 & 11
While smelly eggs did not not deter the intrepid explorer from the sunny shores of lake Rotorua, it is fair to say that one had a slight brain faze as we were overloaded with knowledge and collaborative sharing of information at Ulearn2014.
Talk about being thrown in the deep end of the pool with tech savvy educators all absorbing the content of the conference like variable sponges, And then there was me.......
Overloaded and then sinking to the bottom of the pool.
Despite this I came away with some distinct learning points, which I will share below and also with a sense of fulfilment that I had definitely spent my money wisely as I am a whole world away from where I was seven short weeks ago, on my digital journey.
Key Learning's from Ulearn:
- If using or sharing images we should all use a creative commons search to protect the integrity of people work. http://search.creativecommons.org/
- Just because a school says that it is going digital it doesn't mean that they are using digital tools in a way that adds meaning to the classroom or learning experience. The SAMR model is a good way to examine and create shift in the way that we use tools for learning experiences. http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2013/06/samr-model-explained-for-teachers.html
- Based on the session aptly named 'how to become a social media ninja' run by Karenmelhuishspencer#virtuallykaren , I am an orange belt..... I would really recommend reading what Karen has to say on her website as it is poignant and interesting.
- I was left wondering, if teenage girls in New Zealand have built resiliency against online 'drama' through desensitising it over time... as a result of the research lecture from our own #23research group member Eunice Price. https://plus.google.com/+EunicePrice/posts .
- The most interesting thing I took out of the conference, was from the last keynote speaker 'Quin Norton' http://quinnnorton.com/ who spoke about the hackerspace movement, in the US and slowly spreading across the rest of the world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackerspace It took me by surprise a little that we have moved so far into the digital realm that there are groups of people creating spaces where people can come together and make stuff... huh. The whole idea of the burning man festival http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFbk4CH2pq8 where thousands of people come together for a week, create a city in the desert and then leave without leaving a footprint fascinates me beyond belief and is now number one thing to do on my bucket list. Also I had the realisation that Technology education within the New Zealand curriculum is an embodiment of promoting the ideals of independent free thinking/ problem solving in our young people. Here are the collaborate notes from the presentation. https://docs.google.com/a/aucklanduni.ac.nz/document/d/19OFn86V-Saz2FM13TcmahbARZtGLRV1molImD_ZNuCk/edit#heading=h.smmpckjna6dz
Saturday, 4 October 2014
Surfing the news feeds like a BOSS! (Thing 5)
Now to straighten the record, opps I slipped
I have always stayed away from RSS feeds as I have never wanted to tackle the complexity of never ending information that I would feel compelled to read, which in turn would take up so much of my time.......... just for the odd snippet that might be useful.
However seeing how it could be used as a tool in an online class environment, has shifted my perception slightly. But I am not yet
This week I am heading to Rotorua to attend the Ulearn 2014 conference in the hope that I can engage in more digital learning that I can utilise in both my research and as a teacher within the classroom. I will ensure that my next post will be a reflection of any tidbits I have come across.
Superhero vs Viking warrioress
I think I may have unleashed a monster. Who knew that writing a
blog could be so entertaining. I find myself creatively inspired but given that
I started with a rather bold string of creativity in my first blog, I have
realised that the possibility to maintain this might be hard.
Honesty pays, so they say so I am first to
admit that I did not meet the deadline this week. The school holidays have
turned into a never-ending crusade of busyness to entertain the youngsters,
which at times has felt like I have braved fire and brimstone!
So in my quest to find a superhero
figurehead to spear my online campaign, I am drawn to a character in a series
of books that I have become engrossed in reading. I liken my alter ego to that
of Daenerys Targaryen, otherwise known to all game of thrones followers as
'Mother of dragons’, which aptly describes my current role as guardian of little
One of my duties during the week has been as chief designer, maker and structural engineer within the newly zoned legoland (My Lounge!) and therefore I felt it apt to share that my new alter ego was in fact already a lego character! So my two passions are united and I am still true to my viking theme (Sort of).
So, now for task 5!
Cyber Safety - Thing 2,3 & 4
Step one was to make the decision to undertake the journey, step
two is to ensure that the boat and any equipment I might need is safe and ready
to use. It would be a terrible faux par to be up the mast when a gust of wind
pulls me off my sure footing and then my safety rope snags and slowly tears
while I am dangling upside down.
In terms of my digital Journey the
relevance of password and security is timely. Having just had one of the crew
(Children) go onto my online bank and transfer some money for an activity that
they were doing, before I had given permission. When questioned as to how they
could have done it the two direct answers, Mum your passwords are always the
same and it’s my name and a few numbers... too easy.
So the major information that I have taken
away from thing 2, was to change all my passwords and how to check if they were
safe. Using the detector tool with my original combination was a wake up call
as it predicted it would take 11 seconds for an average desktop to break the
code and gain access. WOW!
I have also found a parallel to my
research under this topic, under the issue of passwords to social media. If you
take cyber bullying as a tool to inflect pain, humiliation and to gain power
over others, you will often find cases where adolescents and adults will get
into a social media account and post comments or pictures that are not from the
owner of the page. This can unleash a torrent of humiliation for the victim in
the real world, as they have to face the repercussions. Especially if the owner
has spent a great deal of time cultivating what they perceive as the perfect
persona online.
I came across this blog while doing thing 4 this week and find that it's relevance resonates with me and the research field that I am working in http://thecybersafetylady.com.au/news-blog/.
I am now of a mind to reinvent myself as a superhero in cyberspace.......... mmmmmm this requires pondering!
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