Thursday, 11 June 2015

The hipster is dead, and you might not like who comes next....

Philosophical Theorising:

I have to admit that this blog post is a bit out of the ordinary in that I am becoming increasingly aware that the content of this blog is heading towards being very curriculum and leadership focussed. Missing the fact that sometimes inspiration and debate on topical subjects is refreshing and poignant to allow us as educators to grow. 

So for this episode I am reflecting on Labels, having just been called a 'GEEK' by my lovely children when discussing the intricacies of drone building and the possibilities of racing at a national schools event. The term 'GEEK' would not be one that I would use to define myself and I found it interesting that they would choose that terminology.

I had thought that I fitted more into a groupings of a 'Hipster' but perhaps that was the perception I held as a older person trying to resurrect a cool and hip persona......

This ephinany of self-realisation was followed the next day by a debate on the radio around how a writer in the US has stated that 'HIPSTER' is out! and that the generation Y terminolgy now defines 'YUCCIES' as the it label (Young Urban Creatives)

The hipster is dead, and you might not like who comes next....

I found this resource and the dated timeline of possible value to a soft materials/ textiles fashion teacher

"The term “Yuccie” may be every bit as mockable as actual hipsters and Yuppies, but it’s hardly the first attempt at categorizing millennials based on their consumer habits and career ambitions. The acronym HENRY, or a person who is “High Earning, Not Rich Yet,” has been applied."

I now feel defunct, as I fit none of the stereotyped descriptors and as a disenGEEKed individual with leanings towards belonging, decided to create my own terminology 'OUCT's' (Old Urban Creative Teacher's) who is with me?

How I see myself!

In relation to out there inspiration the following two you tube clips have been shared with me by colleagues and although completely unrelated are equally inspirational and controversial in their own right. The first: The Lone Nut and the First Follower

(Thanks to Ian McHale for the link)

Shows the power of having one student who supports and goes along with your classroom movement. The clip also shares the possible success you could have as a leader of learning.

The second is an Inspirational video from a teacher about why he teaches and what students really don't understand about teachers. If only they knew.......

What students really need to hear!
(Thanks to Aaron Scorringe)

Finally a bit of 'Creative Technology' the Solar-Do-Nothing Machine
(Thanks to James Harris)

Please keep the sharing going...........

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